Out Today! The Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music Issue 9: The Essentials Issue 1 (2019-2023)

Photo by Michael E. Duckwall (c)

This is the first of several anthologies coming out this year celebrating Fevers of the Mind’s 5th year. These are collections (mostly from the website) of poetry, art, prose, photography & more since this website began in late 2019. 

Contributors include: David L O’Nan, HilLesha O’Nan, Michael E. Duckwall, Kushal Poddar, Edward Lee, Frogg Corpse, Elizabeth Cusack, Matthew da Silva, Aaron Wiegert, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, A.R. Arthur, Linda M. Crate, Pasithea Chan, Vikki C. , Donna Dallas, Michael Igoe, Jerome Berglund, Paul Brookes, Holly Day, Samantha Terrell, Charlotte Oliver, Rose Knapp, Lan Qygalla, Sadie Maskery, Joan Hawkins, Tim Heerdink, James Diaz, Tony Brewer, Ivan Peledov, Lorna Wood, Jennifer Patino, Cecelia Chapman, Jeff Crouch, Judith Kingston, Jay Simpson, Elisabeth Horan, Vanessa Maderer, Matthew E. Henry, Mahvash Mohtadullah, Hirabh Habkhez, David Dephy, Stuart Buck, Saba Zahoor, Matthew Freeman, Roberto Zariskeeni, Kristin Garth, staci-lee Sherwood, K.G. Munro, Tuur Verheyde, Victoria Leigh Bennett, Daniel MacIntyre, Mike Zone

To purchase on Amazon see links below:

http://tinyurl.com/mts9wrau United States

http://tinyurl.com/kucbxmxc U.K.

http://tinyurl.com/38eameny Canada

http://tinyurl.com/2kskv87n Germany

http://tinyurl.com/y64u4aum France

http://tinyurl.com/ykkpt78u Spain

http://tinyurl.com/2yhh9fcd Italy

http://tinyurl.com/38h55ask The Netherlands

http://tinyurl.com/3un5ab42 Japan

http://tinyurl.com/4t9uf2hy Brazil

http://tinyurl.com/3zbccmsx Mexico

http://tinyurl.com/6457d7a3 Australia

http://tinyurl.com/5e8vnznp India

Poetry from Tuur Verheyde : Whence & The Faceless Urge



A poet gropes
The lining of the veil, 
Snatching shivers from
Every throbbing strand. 
She wonders, she wonders: 
Whence do they come, 
These scenes that slide 
Between each drowsy blink, 
These phrases that ambush 
Her idle thoughts and throw 
Their uninvited mystery 
Into her lap?  


A poet dies 
And swirls to see the eternal
Everything encased in Time
Unmoving like a crystal 
Kaleidoscopic coffin. 

A poet burns in the unseen 
Fabric of the Empty, 
Folded four times 
Into the swelling All. 
Her sparks drip into 
The time-trap to
Find her living self 
And set her mind alight 
With countless knowing 

The Faceless Urge

I am enthralled 
By an unquenchable desire 
To exist as naught  
But a whisper; to be a draught 
That raises hairs and draws
Forth shadows from within;
To be a pebble that stirs 
The watchers of your mind-
Lake; to exist only as a body
Of work that plants its talons 
And never lets go. 

It is a fate that may await 
Those who die and leave work
Behind. Yet in this digital day, 
Our ethereal profiles may 
Forever encase us in faces 
That decay and obscure 
The multitudes that writhe 
Within. We are more 
Than the profile, more 
Than the persona, 
We are winnowing winds, 
We are winding ways, 
We are a shadow play 
Of countless acts. 

And yet if we are to reach
Anyone on this blasted plane, 
We must cram our coagulating 
Contours into a singular frame. 
I say: don a mercurial mask, 
Be an unceasing metamorphosis 
Brimming with inchoate contradictions 
And insolubles—brand be damned—
Be the bustling mass, 
Be the turning page, 
The Janus-mask;  Be true 
Like a shudder. 


Tuur Verheyde is a twenty-five year old Belgian poet. His work endeavours to capture the weirdness of the 21st century; its globalised art, culture, politics and problems. Tuur’s poetry seeks to further cultural, spiritual, political and emotional connectivity on an international level. His work is personal and outward looking and seeks to accurately represent the blurred boundaries between the real, the surreal and the hyperreal, as well meshing the personal with the political and the spiritual. https://tuurverheyde.com

Poetry: Half-Sleep I & II by Tuur Verheyde

Half-Sleep I

Mercurial waters fall upon 
My lips, I feel the black beckon me
To drink like a drowning man 
And relish each burning gulp 
Of scuttling air.

The watery depths echo 
Like a world within a world, 
Boundless and unconquerable, 
They dare us to attempt to
Plant our plastic banners 
In their fathomless deep. 
We try and the surface 
Swells to brush its talons across 
Our brief bristles of civilisation,
To cover us in sweet 
Dreamless humility. 

Half-Sleep II


My eyes close 
And with a silent spell 
I seek to summon my captors
Of salvation. Come
And steal me from my immovable 
Self, come and shape me, melt 
Me, that I may flow into 
Better moulds. Come, 
Priestess of the higher truths, 
Come, sagely mentor, bearded
And robed, come you, band 
Of post-punk spiritual 
Subversives, come and take me, 
Make me whatever wades best 
Through this world of banality 
And hardship. 


For many years I have warmed 
My bed to sleep with such harbingers 
Of disappearance. To vanish
Not to hurt nor to worry, to escape
Not from people nor from life, 
But break the bustle that pushes 
Every ounce of respite, even sickness
In its chained hourglass neck.

Imagine a release from that
Tyranny, which ploughs our bloodstained
Growth and claims whatever we may 
Reap. Imagine an escape from mandated
Progress per second. Imagine a retreat
Into an unguided, unseen existence; 
Its playful wandering rewilding 
The laboured acres of the mind 
To deliver unto you the kind
Of priceless boon no market 
Could ever hope
To sell. 


Tuur Verheyde is a twenty-four year old Belgian poet. His work endeavours to capture the weirdness of the 21st century; its globalised art, culture, politics and problems. Tuur’s poetry seeks to further cultural, spiritual, political and emotional connectivity on an international level. His work is personal and outward looking and seeks to accurately represent the blurred boundaries between the real, the surreal and the hyperreal, as well meshing the personal with the political and the spiritual. https://tuurverheyde.com

Anchor to the Flight I & II by Tuur Verheyde : poetry

Anchor to the Flight

Comfort presses
Into every idle sigh,
Anchor to the flight 
That dares to bring 
Your hearth some feral 
Sparks even when it 
Only welcomes homely 

When the world unwound 
Many a hiss was heard 
Chanting anew a new 
A newness to the old 
Leisure lost in sickness’ 
Eager spread. And I 
Too howl under heavy 
Breath That we may 
Be remade free from  
Yesterday’s spiteful

Transience tells us 
To take our fill with 
Every sip, for naught
Remains unmoved,
And yet every time
I rise and seek 
Different better days
I am irked to find
The past holding down 
The tattered hem grinning 
While I flail and fail 
To cut it loose. 

Its lesson like itself 
Stubborn to move 
An inch from where 
Last it stood: You will 
Change only when the
Webbed Wyrd deigns 
To let you take a careful 
Step or else hurl you 
By sudden blessing 
Or catastrophe
Into the dreadful 

Anchor to the Flight II

We walked past a fallow stretch; 
Spring’s timid prelude is like that
Sometimes: cold wind and warm
Light, a whiff of something 
Shifting in the air. This is 
The transit season. Mood and mind
Find slight mutations. The weather
Brings all kinds currents to the fore. 
We get the ludicrous notion that this
Is it. The Return. The Hinge. 
The Time of Possibility, when 
Something comes to soak 
Everything in its entirety into 
A new coat, a new taste, 
A new meaning, a new song. 
In the drudgery and the news, 
We find the truth; that change, 
However sudden, rarely comes


Tuur Verheyde is a twenty-four year old Belgian poet. His work endeavours to capture the weirdness of the 21st century; its globalised art, culture, politics and problems. Tuur’s poetry seeks to further cultural, spiritual, political and emotional connectivity on an international level. His work is personal and outward looking and seeks to accurately represent the blurred boundaries between the real, the surreal and the hyperreal, as well meshing the personal with the political and the spiritual. https://tuurverheyde.com

2 new poems by Tuur Verheyde


I am a constant picture 
Taker, not for sharing 
Or some showy social 
Media purpose, but to try
And capture the elusive 
Footsteps of Transience

Too many years went by 
Noticing the ephemeral 
Beauty of seasons and
Moments only as they fell 
Into the haze of detached 
Recollection; too many 
Memories were merely 
Scribbled in the mind’s 
Fading sketches. 

To ensnare impermanence 
In timeless frames is not 
Only to challenge Time’s 
Unremitting grasp, but 
To imprint upon the mind, 
Which seeks above all comfort 
In things that seem to last, 
The graceful dance of unborn
Beginnings and death
Without end, one picture 
At a time. 

A Death Abroad

In the old days all witness 
Was from friend or foe. News 
Flew no further than love or spite 
Could stand to bear it out,
But now stories of your
Death are spread 
To places your imagination
Never even knew to draw, 
To strangers whom you 
Would not know how 
To name had you ever 
Learned of them. 

A small comfort; 
Our lives might reach 
Far beyond the sights  
Our mind had learned 
To see, even as they pass, 
Touching buildings and bodies 
That would confound 
Our understanding. And yet 
Today more swiftly are 
They swept away from  
The surface of most,
Embattled, minds. 


Tuur Verheyde is a twenty-four year old Belgian poet. His work endeavours to capture the weirdness of the 21st century; its globalised art, culture, politics and problems. Tuur’s poetry seeks to further cultural, spiritual, political and emotional connectivity on an international level. His work is personal and outward looking and seeks to accurately represent the blurred boundaries between the real, the surreal and the hyperreal, as well meshing the personal with the political and the spiritual. https://tuurverheyde.com

3 poems by Tuur Verheyde : “April in Exile” “May Meandering” “March in Ending”