4 powerful collections of poetry and words about life, grief, love, war, survival and perseverance from John Chinaka Onyeche

John Chinaka Onyeche is a multi-talented writer. He is a poet, essayist and teacher of African History. He has authored numerous chapbooks and full-length collections of poems such as: "Echoes across the Atlantic," "A Night Tale at the Threshold of Howl," "We Returned to Kiss the Cross," "The Broken Fort," "A Good Day for Tomorrow’s Coming," "Stateless," "25 Atonements," “Chapters of Broken Tale,” and "The Gathering Of Reeds," (which is scheduled for publication in March, 2024 by Ethel Zine Press). His literary prowess has earned him recognition as a Best of Net Nominee. Beyond his literary pursuits, Chinaka is a devoted husband and loving father of two charming children, Sobeife and Chisimdiri. He hails from Nigeria and primarily writes from the city of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. (bio from Spillwords)

Poetry from John you can check out on Fevers of the Mind.

Book Review of “25 Atonements” from John Chinaka Onyeche (reviewed by Aondonengen Jacob Kwaghkule)

A Poetry Showcase for John Chinaka Onyeche

Poetry Showcase June 2022 for John Chinaka Onyeche “Rememberajc”

Poetry Focus on John Chinaka Onyeche (Rememberajc) 8 poems

Other links to read from John and then buy his books





Out today: The Debut Collection “Werifesteria” from HilLesha O’Nan

This debut collection of poetry and prose from HilLesha O’Nan is a mix of love, loss, fear, hope, tales from all circles of life. This is a blending of dreams, dances, vengeance and resurgence. Imagery and words from nature to nurture, from sins of saints to naked innocence.

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“The Inner Dialect” by Lennon Stravato out today on Fevers of the Mind Press (links below)

Lennon Stravato is a poet, screenwriter, and producer of Emmy Award winning television. His work situates the human condition at the intersection of the sacred and the tragic. Meaning and meaninglessness are treated as omnipresent and interwoven realities for a being inclined toward, but practically estranged from love, destiny, and the divine.

Lennon studied Religion at Stony Brook University and International Affairs at New York University. You can find him performing his poetry at literary events throughout Long Island and New York City.

“Inner Dialect” is a captivating debut book by poet Lennon Stravato, whose remarkable talent has made waves on the vibrant New York City poetry scene. With his introspective and evocative verses, Stravato explores the depths of the human experience, touching the hearts and minds of readers worldwide.

One of the most compelling aspects of Stravato’s poetry is his unique and profound understanding of the inner dialect that resonates within each individual. He delves into the complexities of human emotions, thoughts, and desires, unearthing the hidden conversations we have with ourselves. Through his skillful use of language, Stravato unveils the innermost conflicts, yearnings, and truths that shape our lives.

The somber tone that permeates the poems in “Inner Dialect” adds a poignant layer of depth to Stravato’s work. He fearlessly explores themes of melancholy, longing, and existential introspection, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences of sorrow, loss, and the search for meaning. Stravato’s ability to express
these emotions with raw honesty and lyrical beauty captivates readers and draws them into a world of profound introspection.

Furthermore, Stravato’s poetic voice carries a distinct dialect that is both intimate and universal. His words capture the essence of human existence, transcending cultural, social, and linguistic boundaries. Whether you are a poetry enthusiast or new to the genre, Stravato’s work has the power to touch your soul, making his poetry accessible and compelling to readers from all walks of life.

“The Inner Dialect” is a collection that demands to be read, serving as a testament to Stravato’s immense talent and the universality of his poetic vision. Through his somber poems, he invites readers on a journey of self-discovery, guiding them through the intricate channels of the human psyche. With each verse, Stravato’s words resonate deeply, leaving an indelible impression and inspiring readers to embrace their own inner dialects, to seek understanding, and to find solace in the shared human experience.

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A Fevers of the Mind Book Review “Eldest Daughter: A break-up story” by Megan Cannella (reviewed by Sara Dobbie)

photo is on Porkbelly Press page

https://porkbellypress.com/hybrid/eldest-daughter you can buy a copy here.

A Review of “Eldest Daughter: a break-up story” by Megan Cannella

Reviewed by Sara Dobbie

     In this hybrid collection of innovative poems and creative nonfiction, Megan Cannella strips bare the mother-daughter relationship. Newly released from Porkbelly Press, “Eldest Daughter: a break-up story,” is an exploration of love, hate, resentment, grief, obligation, insecurity, and a kind of healing. In Cannella’s signature fierce voice, she lays the cards on the table with undeniable emotional honesty.

     Throughout the pieces the narrative evolves, telling the story of a child whose mother became swept up in grief over the loss of her husband. The mother is referred to as “Widow” and the child as “Eldest Daughter,” giving the pieces an ironic folkloric tilt which serves to strengthen the punches when they come. In “Eldest Daughter and Widow: Part One” Cannella writes:

“Shortly after Eldest Daughter’s third birthday, she became the mother of Widow.”

     This idea of the weight of responsibility placed upon someone much too young to understand the implications carries through the works. The sense of trauma due to carelessness and self-involvement of the parental figure is central to the premise and lends a relatability to readers who have endured similar circumstances.

     Like a lost child in a fairy-tale, Eldest Daughter carves out a path through the dark woods. She faces many adversities, firstly, a “dead daddy,” but more scarring are Widow’s crushing judgements handed out with a word, like in the first poem, “Interesting,” or a seemingly offhand comment layered in derision.

    An overarching theme in the writing is the subject of body image and food. These issues stem from the negative nature of the mother who no doubt deludes herself into believing she is offering guidance when she is actually hurting the grown-up child, reopening old wounds repeatedly. In “Something Sweet for my Daughter, Love Mom,” Widow gives Eldest Daughter chocolate covered strawberries, with the remark that they are “mostly fruit.” The poignant final line of the poem conveys the deep impact on Eldest Daughter’s psyche.

Everything she puts in her mouth is a trap.”

      As an adult, Eldest Daughter is intelligent, witty, self-aware and funny. In spite of everything, she still yearns for that elusive mother-daughter connection. Cannella crafts a stunning piece of poetry in “Things I’ve Said to Both my Mother and Taco Bell” delivering swift jabs that tie years of suppressed damage together in a list of phrases and questions.

Too much of you makes me sick.

Fiesta potatoes would make this better right now.

Why are you closed when I need you?

Why do I need you?”

     In “Reasons I Didn’t Talk to my Mom on the 30th Anniversary of my Father’s Death,” anger comes to a boiling point. Eldest Daughter is preparing to call Widow, but when she does she gets no answer. In a surge of memories almost violent in their intensity, the pain and resentment is heavy.

Why isn’t she answering my call? Doesn’t she realize I’m rising the fuck above like you do with terrible mothers when you still want them to love you?”

     There is something so powerful in this narrative, a transformative realization that letting go may be the only answer for Eldest Daughter’s healing. In the final poem “Our Body” Cannella touches on inextricable generational connections, writing,

Once upon a time

I was just an egg

in the ovary

of the fetus

tethered to my grandmothers life force.”

      The takeaway is that Widow will always be part of Eldest Daughter’s life, and they are working on “handling big feelings and sharing” which Cannella quips is “ya know, progress.” The crux of the matter, the heart of the chapbook, lies in the acceptance that the situation is/was/will always be inherently bad and Eldest Daughter must take care of herself. Heart-breaking, yet revelatory, at times cynical, sardonic, vulnerable, and clever, this collection is a true work of deeply personal art.

Bio: Megan Cannella (she/they) is a neurodivergent Midwestern transplant currently living in Nevada. She is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominated poet and creative nonfiction writer, as well as a Fiction Co-Editor at Reckon Review. Their other chapbooks, I Redact You, Too (2022) and Confrontational Crotch and Other Real Housewife Musings (2021), are available at https://linktr.ee/mcannella. You can find Megan on Twitter at @meganncannella and on Instagram at @meeeeeancan.

Bio: Sara Dobbie is a Canadian writer from Fort Erie, Ontario. Her stories have appeared in Milk Candy Review, Fictive Dream, JMWW, Sage Cigarettes, New World Writing, Bending Genres, Ghost Parachute, Ruminate Online, Trampset, Ellipsis Zine, and elsewhere. Her chapbook “Static Disruption” is available from Alien Buddha Press. Her collection “Flight Instinct” is available from ELJ Editions. Follow her on Twitter @sbdobbie, and on Instagram at @sbdobwrites. 

The Blue Motel Rooms Poetry & Art inspired by Joni Mitchell Print edition link

This is the U.S. only link for the print edition. Please check for the availability in your country. I will try to have links later next week if not. https://tinyurl.com/5n67amvw