Photo/poetry from Phil Wood (Poet) and John Winder (Photography)


You emerged
from your pod, humble
with grace.

I was clumsy,
crumbled in faith,
a clay man.

I knelt
to worship, but

and you,
puzzled, you gracefully
swam away. 


She worries over her missing cat,
but tiptoes round the bric-a-brac
of right and wrong. Outside she shivers,
fireworks are fab. She finds the cat.


Not windy, but loud with rain.
Both wellied up, two umbrellas,
his black and hers polka dot bright.
The path puddles syncopation.

The sodden vegetation verbs
pitter patter tip tap pat pit.
A childhood code unlocks first love.
They splash. They splish, splash, splosh!

The Labrador looks quizzical,
but fun is fun. She bounces in.
What does a dog know of why
the world weeps in muddy pools?

3 pieces of work jointly created by Phil Wood (poet) and John Winder (photographer). These pairs of work demonstrate a conversation between poetry and photography. The elements are both individual and interconnected. The conversation between them is layered, implicit and explicit, exists and existed. Boundaries between the media have proved porous with one medium influencing the interpretation of the other. It has been a conversation of rewarding discovery.
The works are entitled “Pod”, “Mesmerized” and “Puddlework”
A version of the poem “Puddlework” was previously published by ‘Poetry in Public’

Bio Phil Wood
Phil Wood was born and lives in Wales. He studied English Literature at Aberystwyth University. He has worked in statistics, education, shipping, and a biscuit factory. He enjoys watercolour painting, bird watching, and chess. His writing can be found in various publications, including: The Wild Word, Autumn Sky Daily, the Abergavenny Small Press, Ink Pantry, Fevers of the Mind.

Bio John Winder
John Winder is a creative photographer working in both colour and black and white. He began creative photography 40 years ago and enjoys trudging around outdoors, hauling camera gear, and spending time behind the camera. He has art work previously published in The Bangor Literary Journal, The Fly on the Wall Press and The Abergavenny Small Press. He enjoys walking, the cinema and sailing.

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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