An Outlaw Hybrid by Robert Frede Kenter for the Beat Poetry Outlaws Must Go On! series

Robert Frede Kenter is an internationally published writer and visual artist with text and visual works discoverable across many venues and platforms, on-line, in-print, music, spoken word,  and performance based. Most recently in The Storms Journal, otoliths,  Laura Kerr’s Interpoem 1 & 2, anthologies from Fevers of The Mind, and  Seeing in Tongues (Steel Incisors Press), Glisk and Glimmer (Sidhe Press), Recalibrating the Pain Scale (Olney Books), In Flight (Black Bough), The Book of Penteract (Penteract Press).  Robert is the publisher and EIC of Ice Floe Press ( His visual poetry collection EDEN is available from Ice Floe and  Rare Swan Press (Switzerland). Robert studied performance with the Wooster Group, Talking Band, Red Mole, and many other experimental theater companies. He currently lives in Canada, and travels widely. 

Outlaw Hybrid.

by Robert Frede Kenter