A Fevers of the Mind Poetry Showcase for The Poetry Outlaws Series from Jan Sargeant

Jan Sargeant lives in West Yorkshire, England with her husband, Coco cat and Banksy, the dog. Having retired from university lecturing in 2017, because of Parkinson’s Disease, she has since gained recognition for both her painting and her writing.

Two of her poems were nominated for Poem of the Year in Spillwords (2022 and 2023). She was awarded Writer of the Month by the same literary journal in October 2022. She has had work commissioned for the journal, ‘Mslexia’ and had two books published in 2023; one an anthology of poetry and another a comedy novella.

She is particularly fond of Cohen and often uses the metaphor of dance to represent life and energy.

Funeral blues
I’m looking at cold ashes
wondering how cremation feels
wondering if you gasp as flames scorch your toes,
wondering if you smile as they lick your face
grimace at the music they chose

I’m looking into an empty grate
wondering how it feels to not feel
anything, anywhere, anymore
do you feel alone
do you feel pain
could someone hear you moan
would you want them to

so there’s the committal,
bang on the lid, knock on the wood,
you think you’d dare,
or feel the heat, think fuck it,
lie back,too tired to care

Origami days

I’m hanging on here,
wired up, strung out, paper fold shapes
origami tastes,
squeezed at the corners,
pushed into place,
jerking as hanged men
splashing their feet,
knowing there’s a reason -
but not trying to compete;

finger pressed creases
in a land of misshapes
fog plaited memories,
refuse to hang straight
wired out, strung up,
we wait out our fate

Origami paper shapes
folded through days,
creased up, strung out as
a way through the haze

theatre of the absurd

memories ripple through
the faint applause of
antiseptic antipathy
towards a life
played for others
with a script you didn’t write
on a dimly lit stage
in a theatre you didn’t choose
turning over page after page

a magician and a hat
you want to be impressed
but you know it’s a lie
you want to be convinced
but you hear the sigh
of a life sawn in two

so you shuffle the cards
turn them over one by one
sing vesti la giubba
hope for the best
but when the show’s done,
it’s time to join the rest
strip off the costume,
cream off the pretence
hang the face in the wardrobe
and accept there’s no sense

Are you looking at me?

Don’t shove me in the corner,
don’t push me there
don’t leave me looking from here to where
the blood pulses through young veins,
where your laughter courses down walls
as fresh ideas dance between
glasses of chatter while I just want
to go home

don’t put me in the field with the used-to- be
the disabled, the pitiable,
the unentitled, the pitiful,
the hopeless and the miserable

I’m not ready for the exclusion
that comes with your conclusion
that disability brings an illusion
of familial distribution
neither of us asked for
or ever wanted to be
I want to be in that other corner, see,
I want you to slow down, to listen to me
to be patient when I stumble
to see the person I used to be

don’t treat me with the kindness held for those you pity
do you see me, do you hear me,
don’t file me with the dying,
I hate what I know you see

2 final poems for Clive Gresswell (r.i.p.) submissions to the Poetry Outlaws Must Go On…

Clive Gresswell was a 65-year-old poet and innovative writer from Britain who also writes song lyrics. He has been widely published and has authored six poetry books. Fevers of the Mind will remember Clive with a couple of his poems he had recently submitted for the Poetry Outlaws Series.

Song to Karl

My song is not democratic
It is Anne Frank trembling in the attic
It is the life-force spent
In a bedowin tent at the hands of fanatics.

It is centuries old bloody & cold
Bartering shekels in the land of gold
As capitalism is bought and sold
And the embers die out from the light so bold.

Now in the twilight as darkness recedes
The lamb & the lion a human disease
As shelter and warmth take precedence
Over the soul survivors and what the flesh needs.

Counting out money and weighing the deeds
Time holds these memories then fades away
Fast to the future another display of innocence lost
At such a heavy cost.

My song is not democratic
It is the survivor here in the attic
Where life & limb is destiny’s king
Living moment to moment
Till the next chance to sing.


Redemption Song:

thank u for this gift of mine
truth to power & to rhyme
holding fast this simple task
sacred duty power thine.

& when i float in outer space
consider please not my disgrace
the worst of me weighed in place
pride & envy saving face.

am i free for now to sing
to wonder at the beauty scene
to have & hold my inner being
dancing wolves & loving scenes.

my mind it spins with myriad things
from hallowed turf to noxious dreams
i yearn such love to hold & share
it can't be flesh needs everywhere.

so take heed & have a care this wishing
well this starring role from hearts & curses
new and old my empathy is bought & sold
in the markets where souls are gold.

consider me a true friend whose limits
reached roll on again the savage beast
& in retreat bravery scheduled in defeat
another weary dead-end street.

i think we've been here once before
dividing proceeds from the war
drinking from the poison chalice
always ignorance never malice.

and so i sing on, placing bets
shining rings & amulets
lashing life spells in a trance
as we make those people dance.

& maybe there will be some peace
in future times free from disease
& all the foibles of the flesh
when we meet beyond our deaths.

take the struggle take the pain
nothing ventured nothing gained
nothing listed or explained
once again you're half deranged.

the earth is wide the sky is blue
but i question who are you
beneath life's pomp & ceremony
beyond duty & beyond your memory.

take the struggle take the pain
nothing ventured nothing gained
nothing listed or explained
once again you're half insane.

counting pleasures one by one
you've got the part but not the sum
what you reap from what you've done
private battles fought & won.

& so it's time to move along
count your blessings & make your choice
raise your game & raise your voice
to the clouds up in the sky
where the chorused angels fly.

take the struggle take the pain
the lord is on his cross again
still nothing listed or explained
nothing ventured, nothing gained.

thank you for this gift of mine
the power to sing along in rhyme
to reach out to my fellow man
in the best way that i can.

on the road i've often faltered
my fate & faith have been altered
wind & rain blown me around
but always near me was this sound.

take this struggle take this pain
the lord is on his cross again
still time is misted & there's fog in my brain
where humanity is cursed & half insane.

keep my eyes on the future not the past
building up something that at last will last
that will stand straight in line & test the time
that ticks out among those ties that bind.

on the road i've often faltered
my fate & faith often altered
wind & rain howling around
but always with me was this sound.

it echoes now into the night
another turning point in site
& in spite of all the spite
my thoughts are turning to delight.

on the road i've often faltered
faith & passion often altered
wind & rain & darkness around
but always at my feet this sound.

& when i float in outer space
bring me to this inner place
where all that's said is no disgrace
the resting seed, the final place.


A Fevers of the Mind Poetry Showcase from “The Breadcrumb Trail” by Lawrence Moore

Bio: Lawrence Moore writes from a loft study overlooking the coastal city of Portsmouth where he lives with his husband Matt and nine mostly well behaved cats. His poems have appeared in, among others, Sarasvati, Fevers of the Mind, Feral Poetry and The Madrigal. He has a new poetry collection, The Breadcrumb Trail, published by Jane's Studio Press in April 2024. Twitter / X: @LawrenceMooreUK

The Axeman

Gather your loved ones
and press them well
to stem the trickling of their cares;
the axeman has not returned.

Tell all untameables
they venture out in packs
within the boundaries
of earshot and evelight.

Make a toast to his wife,
who must brave the scurries and screeches
alone tonight,
her gaze to a latchless door.

Collect our unsavoury tributes
and deliver them
over the brinks of abandoned paths;
commence the wait.

If silence endures
come autumn's prayer,
the rest of us will remember
that the axeman has not returned.

Because We Must

On days when grasping just a glimpse
retreating from periphery,
you turned around to open air;
not every time was make-believe.
We have a home I think you'd like,
a softening which might be earned.
Our feral kin may wander through,
but as it stands, you cannot learn.

All wilderness retrained and sold,
unwilling subjects ground to dust.
You have your ways as we have ours,
we disappear because we must,
yet seek no thunder from the gods
and take no vengeance as we might.
We live the way we've always lived,
untouchable, beyond your sight.

Above My Watchful Glare

Come staggering on torpid limbs,
I wish to grasp another's name.
Ignore the furrows, crawl inside
the recess of my creaking frame.

These overtures are whisperings
I play to you from far below.
One ear against one mossy floor,
then drowsiness begins to show.

Your nemesis, my nobody,
will not be found, they would not dare
as now, involuntarily,
you sink above my watchful glare.

I ask no favour when you wake
and all I take, three locks of hair.

Four Fists Uncurl

We surface, bruised and battered, but alive.
Protectively, you scout the world outside,
contrive to sound convincing when you say
'Perhaps, for now, The Demon's gone away.'

Attempting to accept, confused and scared,
I clamber from this refuge, mutely stare.
Slow seeping through, the passing of the squall,
we squeeze together, let the teardrops fall.

A boldness in the woods appears to grow
when crocus lifts its nose above the snow;
an underbrush alive with smaller feet
that long to run, for now remain discreet.

As if to catch my soul, your eyes are cast,
entreating me 'This has to be the last.'
I feel the words inside me calcify.
Four fists uncurl, you lead us back to life.

I Knew

I had a dream (a real one for a change),
I'd wandered off and paced the London streets
with many things uncertain on my mind,
distrust for every citizen complete.
Though wantonly dispirited and lost,
the solace of the railway station came.
Inside, a payphone, rummaged without coins,
asked 'Please reverse the charges?' Gave your name.
You answered, all confusion in your tone,
like every fundamental ran askew
and only one event would put them right;
on hearing it was me, all fear subdued,
talked nonsense that could only have been joy.
Immersed in my unconsciousness, I knew.

“Taking Pictures in the Dark” Revised pt 1 Poetry Showcase by David L O’Nan

David L O’Nan is a Midwest poet, editor and founder of Fevers of the Mind (www.feversofthemind.com) he has been nominated for Best of the Net numerous times.
He’s had several books and revised books.  He has edited and curated Fevers of the Mind Anthologies including Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music Digest, Bare Bones Writing,
On the Highways with Many Miles…to Go! (inspired by Kerouac, Miles Davis, Townes Van Zandt), Waltzin’ Through Rusty Cages (inspired by Elliott Smith & Chris Cornell), The Whiskey Mule
Diner (inspired by Tom Waits), Hard Rain Poetry (inspired by Bob Dylan), 3 Leonard Cohen anthologies (soon)(Before I Turn Into Gold & Avalanches in Poetry), The Poetica Sisterhood of Sylvia & Anne (inspired By Sylvia Plath & Anne Sexton), Truth, Lies, Blasphemy & Disorder (inspired by Joy Division, New Order & Depeche Mode), The Chelsea Underground (inspired by Andy Warhol & the Factory, The Starman Oddity (inspired by David Bowie) He has been published in Poetry Life & Times, The IceFloe Press, Headline Poetry & Press, Spillwords, Cajun Mutt, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Ghost City Press, Grains of Sand, Punk Noir Magazine, Rhythm n Bones, The Poetry Question, The Wombwell Rainbow and more. He will be reading this Summer in Louisville’s Insomniacathon. He has also edited the debut novel from New York City Poet Lennon Stravato “The Inner Dialect” and the poetry/prose collection “Werifesteria” from co-editor HilLesha O’Nan

These revised poems are included in Issue 11 of Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music: The Lone Road

Now Out: Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music Issue 11: the Lone Road ft. Taking Pictures in the Dark (revised)

Taking Pictures in Dark Laundromats

He’s always spinning, spinning in dim lights.
Eyes following the floor.
The circling of the karmic wheel teeters
A window shaking, the peering out.
Foreshadows laughter.
Winking eyes and love we’re after

Doubt licks through
The mind is juice and fragments.
Comical ears hear nothing but sadness
…and winter months are cold and bent

The wind will blow under the clutching arms of snow
And still the comfort is broken into bits of matter.

What is this filth we’re bathing in?

Lint, heat, wet claustrophobic skin!

Smiles that look over the ocean’s shore.
Where another smile emits from nothing before
Then we rumble, crumbled into aisles of dust.
Those who try to save,
Their need for lust.

Praying hands unite in burning churches.
They hope, they grieve, they live for the spin.
…all the while predicting the evolution of God.

Then there are the moments,
In which love was spit out of you;
The adoring one
Who has been shot with the thoughts of the heart.

The heart, left bruised, beaten,
No longer caressing the bleeding,
As coarse as sackcloth.

Those eyes lift a little
Another light bulb fades
Exit signs flicker!
You remember those rented sighs.
Whispers crying “don’t pay for lust”

Midnight’s bonfire became this morning’s generic toil, dribbled flame.
And you’re exhausted, no patience.
The cycle has to be ending.
You’re a tired feather for the unconscious.
And that once bright hammer over your skull,
Is now fading.

A true carbon copy of the mundane, ill sunlight

Once you step outside, cheers can now erupt, pause

You can be the hero today

But you still have one sock left missing
Until the next person walks in
And discovers your ghost.
Reciprocate a Lost Hello 

Blooming up as the sun tortures a mind.
Your hello,
An echo deafening in dust,
A traveling spittle of rain,
And subsiding into a crevice of mistakes.

Wishing you were the juxtaposition
Between beauty,
And the sorrow of a burning flower.

Raindrops mimic the sprinkles of sound
Against the tin of a lost hello!!!

Crowded inside voices, are my normal calm in their chaos.
When they are the power.
power was built by energy, sight,
And the holding of truth.
Deep in a heart, the gut of the gods.
Life is crisp, like a milk around the glow.

Death is moistened by a crooked blown mind.
A parting with those memories from years meant for impressions.

All lost hellos were reciprocated into the thunder, the deluge, unknown.
We stammer in the wind, as the mind dreams up an eternal shade.
I sit there in the grip and trip in the circles around my feet.

Nor can a dance be,
Nor can a bruise heal,
Nor can a hello be returned,
Once it has been broken, by
What was heard, initially.

Today we are sold into the friendship of quaking nerves.
They tangle the lines of my supposed soul, melting and frightened.
They, like all seeds, grow once they are breathed into existence.
Then the stems sewn into the heavens as historical
As lost hellos.
Caskets and Libraries

How does my garden grow this Spring, so far?
After another blind girl’s Winter Solstice.
This wedding feels like a line of caskets.
We are cold, freezing to new phobias. Brittle bridge wedding gowns.
Walking away, shaky. The park looks senile and lined with mobsters.

And these libraries, we read all the sonnets, grandpa’s haikus,
Breathe in the wealth of romantic era poetry. The room just smells like toes.
In old socks that can’t fit on these old spirits.
They just creep their heads from behind the books of leather, exotic and moldy.

I can’t stand the everlasting after everlasting.
Unite and then depart.
This one is on the beach. Walking giddy in the sand and the glass.
With my Brixton Hooligan falling into the sand.
You were taken before me.

That seems like a penalizing breath to take.
The sand is fucking translucent and burns in the boredom.

I’m trying to hold onto my new dysfunctional gravity.
While I swim indigested in the stomach of the Earth.
Because that is what I’ve been told to do.
I’d much rather see if I could fly.
To see if I can reimagine all the colours we once owned,
And kiss every line of your face.
Physically, my mouth has to be the blade and disform us as we both fall.

The Skeleton of the Hawthorn

Hungry highways began to eat the stars.
Driving fastly past the Hawthorn trees.
We made a wish off the bones.
Of the dainty skeletons as it bit the breeze.
Watching the mass of blades,
Parade in the dark of the night.
As it were to close in for a kiss of death.
I push away from the fire’s warm breath.
Shaking branches off and letting love become savage.

As the shuffle of the road, rips the heavens from the ground.
Whip-in a little wind and then the creation of the ladder.
Climb up, laborers.
And bend down the sky and impel your eyes to the ground.
To take a teasing peek at the blinding God.
Funeral Jacket 

My body began to break in the wreck to the funeral parlor.
I guess we may have had the drugs in our eyes.
We pulled out our wallets from our tucked in dirty slacks.
The bells clank and we watch the women cry for criminals.

They left dirt all over these tracks, from hearse to the course.
Lines of people greet the family and the family friends,
And the fiendish enemies, and the pretending sociopaths smile on.
With dollar signs in their eyes. Exotic in champagne aftertaste.

God rest this old gigolo.
Raised on nose candy and tranquilizing lipstick flavors.
Assailants bump into the crowd and I feel a little claustrophobic.
The room becomes a foggy night, as I smell perfume drip from wigs to stains on the floor.

I stumble, attracted to my dying high to a flowery patterned sofa.
Curled up in fetal and about to barf.
I sweat through the aluminum, past the clearance shirt, and my funeral jacket is mop water.

Midnight swimming in my head. To sleep baby, ready to sleep.
And I want my thoughts to be less melodic, and less tragic.
So what emotion am I supposed to have?
When my fever chill passes over my broken body. Can I exist normally?
I’ll sip the 2 hour old coffee from a stained olive green mug, and
Haunt this room like a mime.
Bleeding white paint from the walls over my funeral jacket.
Miscreants look over and ask if I’m really family.

No clubs or bars are open to lay in my brown recluse charm.
I know everyone says at funeral the nice things that the deceased have done,
I just want those at mine to say.
Once in Heaven, once from the circus.
Like always.
Death by Dame 

Scowl, it was Sunday afternoon.
I met this old guy flying by the saloon.
In his Cadillac falsies.
He was always a smooth talker.
Out on the town, selling lies.
Like a newspaper made by the town flirt.
Tobacco drips from his mouth and,
He watches Main Street strut to the pounding of all-
The rusty trumpets.
His mind will never be that of something but obscene.
He’s got pills for it all,
And he’s got six divorces.
All the motels know him by name.
The cracks of all the flattery.
The stains of all the boiling howls against his skin.
He loves the fishnets and the blue lipstick the most.
Beads of sweat and pearl necklaces dropping by the vanity mirror.
He thinks he’s got the midnight by the stilettos,
But this night he has a .38 to his womanizing eyes.
Can’t dial another dame.
His death will soon follow.
1001 Days Before the Scream 

Thursday began the delusions
By Friday there was a hint of seclusion
The giggles bit like frightened mice.

By the next week
Something was clawing at the vacancy
Left by shadows
Kept growing more and more -
and more beast-like.

A month in the rattling tails
Like a rattlesnake militia
Testing and begging for a scream.

But you...

Still not frightened enough.

Walking up with the breathy tangles on my neck
Sly, slick with many questions
The walking around in the daze
Crawling, then back to walking.

The deep voices of jumbled word priests are taunting,
praying for your scream.

The chipmunk voice dancers are singing,
moistening your lethargic wet dream.
There is a calm grandiose...

A few years in.

Thinking back to normalcy.
The sunlight and the rain and all.
Balance each other out to become -
Your dark and trusting friends.

The grass will grow straight,
Crooked, burnt, and sometimes laced with decay.
Netherworlds overcast cloudy,
pungent waste.

You dissolve into a slight breath,
Catching a shriek! in your lungs...
but pause
before the orgasmic vocal becomes loud.

By 1000, you are a gagging lunacy freak
Pulling petals from your floral heart.
Bleeding here
Bleeding there
Love me once
Love me twice

And finally,

As midnight struck day 1001

A scream passes
Ready to face
Your next scream
You begin the new phase.
Save Me From the Bend 

There are some afternoons you find yourself on the bend.
In a fight, for the attentive eyes of night.
Away from sunlight and smothering like mucus stuck to the skin.
Forgetting my gardens, my phaeton drives.
My disease of anger can now rest easy.
Wanting the energy of the moon to massage my mind.
Hum until the monsters leave.
The day feeds all the chewing for fallen angels.
I want to rest in the thoughts of an evening.
When anything visible or invisible can breathe, however puny the light.
At the parties, alone in shadows.
Crying in blankets, maddening lips.
Hushes of the rain.
Oh, just save me from the bend.

The Broken Heart Ramble

My new mission didn’t get very far.
Collisions between the plates of worships.
I fell apart on my first day.
Everyone began to tug at me.
Pull me to your furnace.
Like hungry packs of wolves in the wild.
On an Anemic snowy day.
Not to be fearless like the broken hearts.
The broken hearts that built that bridge, that is now wet and wooden.
Erected to become limp in the driftwood.drownings.

Falling on the first day,
When no one cared to strengthen the arch.
Constant crumbling, ornaments bubbling under.
Rivers strained in tears, puzzles floating unsolved.
They played the favorite, they became the prime.
They gained all the garden jewels and became the most sublime.
An illegitimate sunshine was born to a sky.

Hide the faces of the fallen behind the possessive clouds.
Mumbles, talentless and faint. Elastic and wimpy in these halls.
Hear the straining rope, imagine the roses blur from this ropewalk fall.
I know my dreams, I know my roots.
Planted in the ingenuity of these physical laws. Like a drunken limp.
The greedy laughter steps to my energies. My panic has always been the flaw.
Not one to be married to obedience.
Blessed by the sedition of a mind.

I am nothing more than sacred proteges to lovers who never met.
Over in the meadow is the cordless thieves that thirst for me,
By some time engaged in criminal deeds, I feel like I’m finally about to meet mercy this evening.
When the shadow man meets the faith, and the vanishing begins.
So stubborn when prayer is failing. I can’t meet those demands of a growing seed.
Always looking for that false beauty.
Asking for her to be mine. As she converges into the skin of a new demon to flirt through.
Am I the smoke stench in this air, that everyone smells, but no one sees.

Just a flickering dead old age soul.
Romances that splintered during a broken sonata,
Stinging when cinched, Climbing out the ether of the native druids.
They have the bite, they have the grip, The gnaw like the wolves.
Arctic chills begin to fill up in my blood.
Multiply until the spread is my skin and not just the tingles filling in the pores.
I can’t warm myself, without another’s embrace.
Submitted early to the mask of greed.


How can you feel claustrophobic and empty at the same time?
Why is our sex more important than caring, growing, feeling full humanity?
Every time there is a meaningful feeling, we can embrace,
Those stars in the sky want to erase in the haze and now we are spotless.
Just pure dark, suffer and shake. Removing the wedges to break, to break.
With a dim moon sitting inside the sky’s womb still hiding.
What is natural?
God? A Devil? Hate or Love?
Are there any natural friends, or just disconnected pedestrians?
I feel the suckling of momentary leeches.
The shy girl, the loud girl, the energy, the buzz, the quiet
The breath of cool mint whispers. Are they real? What is calling my name?
Another minute of limited time wasted.
How can you protect what is weak?
When you are scared to be protected yourself,
How can you make someone else smile again, or trust again?
They are their own drug.

Drums Tapping, Guns Shouting

The drums pounding.
In a motor breath jungle.
A cigarette burns in a mouth of a wounded moment.
There is a touch from a velvet finger.
Blue eyes staring.
Caressing the ego.
Sensory slime.
Rain boiling up in the nimbostratus.
The spirits wipe the sky clear.
Without beauty for a moment, all erased for a moment.
The blood begins to tangle like vines in my head.
I’m the clear jewel.
The pure soldier.
I’ve fought these nightmares with guns.
I’ve cleansed the wounds of the evil.
I’ve torn apart the wonder of joy.
And dreamt up a splendid cowardice.
While holding shells and making bombs.
The security in these tourniquet castles.
This used to be enough for the fulfillment.
The blood was kept thick and bonded like leather.
Now I look eye to eye with napalm, swatting my eyes like ninjas.
The missile irises launch defeat into the heart. My course is a scar.
Oozing negligence.
Light trips in, leaving me drunkenly.
Thoughts race by in a haste.
The light can’t keep up with the speed of these thoughts.
Sagging in my eye sockets.
Did all the peace burn through my weightless pockets?
Panoramic bloodshed.
In the explosions when freedom sank in this mud.
I hate seeing my shine in your stains. I didn’t ask for this.

Manuscript Poetry Showcase from Michael Igoe: New York City During the Fall fo Saigon April 1975

Bio: Michael Igoe, neurodiverse city boy, Chicago now Boston, recovery staff at Boston University Center For Psych Rehab. Many works appear in journals online and print. Recent: Spare Change News(Cambridge MA), thebluenib.com, minerallit.com. Avalanches In Poetry Anthology@amazon.com. National Library Of Poetry Editor’s Choice For 1997. Twitter: MichaelIgoe5. poetryinmotion416254859.wordpress.com. Urban Realism, Surrealism. I like the Night.

New York City During the Fall of Saigon   April 1975                                                                    By Michael Igoe                                


He spent all last winter,
fixated on a death wish
engaging in a total war.
He felt better off; he had a ball
storing coca-cola in glass jars.
As deja vu sprouts, bathe in
he's not sure if he's an utter halfwit
He's struck with memories of roles
he thought he plays in old movies:
surely a change would do no harm.

Give Me a Minute

It’s the same thing, that we’re allowed, walking or running. When I heard echos of unseen presences the kryptonite ticking of the gruesome clock. Something that wasn't, I'd say that it happened. And I’d wonder in vague terms, would light return to 8th avenue. Sitting ragtag on both hands in the alcove of the property. On sale in the aging storefront the lottery ticket and cigarette. They’re bought with song all the songs are the same they’re mellow as a plum. At the front of the counter where samples are offered with a fly- by- night smile. There’s no time like this one. In those times when we are in peril, we find it easy to make much more of whatever appears on the horizon.

II. In a park’s stillness the generators died from short circuits. It must be the easiest, to use the dud rockets in radioactive shower As protective blanket, I can feel on my skin
(MLI 2024)

The Year Seems the Same

This is the day of final snow
to forget all the damp grime.
With a sense of relief,
I gathered four limbs,
paused on the landing.
Beyond the clusters
of junk cars sleeping
admonishing voices
I felt meek, I will yield;
I won’t miss the chance
for a lovelorn assurance.
Defining a certain figure,
with a will to be airborne.
A nexus, dead to
excites balled up nerves.
I’m getting the itch
to mean what I say.
In proper jargon,
I wish my words
went with things.
“If frozen, ice is cold”
I’ve been through this before,
in the picture of the last week,
they didn’t take on a real form,
they took on only a semblance.
I know a hiding place
in mock bereavement
I stand over the side,
at the well of
You’ll be here soon
you will behold me
as more of the same.

Mid Morning

It was one of his worst habits
he drank all the soup he could.
He’s not yet deceased,
face down in the alley.
Amongst proudest barbers.
proud of plying his trade.
Making pointed remarks
as shards of hair dropped
engaged in conversations
with outstanding citizens
with shined leather shoes.
Their glamourous smiles
in shapes like crescents.

He didn’t stand a chance
When the lights burn out.

Easter Manhattan

Dawn is hours away,
but t's clear as a bell.
Then red rims of sunrise
will glance against glass.
Somehow the glass,
will seem as crystal.
You and I lie silent
you and I lie in sin.
The avenues storefronts
are ruined and shuttered
they dared to determine
the slave ships we're in.
Some are doomed to wander
they might wander the earth
until they give up the ghost.
But now we're talking
at three in the morning
You admit to favor
an island the most.
For certainj graveyards,
seen numb to the bone;

damned be these living;
they're certain of living.
Bands cool to amazement
will play rogue to a boss.
that land works the best.


During lifteimes of the masses
a story's swallowed the whole hog
written by saints of the arcade
They are carless saints
weary in the weeping,
wage war against God
They adhere to mottoes
blazing on the corncies.

I Can’t Do That
In the chute of night
I feel totally barren.
I'm paying close attention
to what the dial light says.
I like getting dressed
in a few shades of red.
I start to walk, I hear strangers
who are able to think out loud.
Brain chemistry awry
I leave the institution,
wrapped up in plastic.
But I don't want any deals
with Cadillac fins by night.
The woman next door,
in diamonds and mink
is shouting in Spanish.
When she drank and drove
she bashed her headlights.

Life on Coattails

I'm living in an angrier world
than the one I lived in before.
I'm sorry that I'm tempted
by the way it all plays out.
I wanted to move on
to a different
I was blinking blind,
I nod, I was graceful.
They burn men's rags
right near the shoes
but I'm not a witness
at the scene of the fire.
There's no surprise in singing
the love songs without ballast
in the scramble for the angels
When they visit as our guardians
you can tell them what we

In A Backwater

These are the savvy foes
who feel like each other.
At the bar's entrance
for a billiard's game.
Never giving
a single inch.
Comrades in arms,
neutral in presence
brushing raindrops
in the blues of dusk.
They mean no harm
to the skies of Eden.
They never gave me one jot.,
the whole time I knew them.
I know why they're angry,
They all ran out of money.

Found in a Dilated Fist

The objects just there,
flaring and crackling,
sometimes they dilate.
The soup ghosts who belted you
well known for dead and fevers,
biding their time at the Solstice.,
in their accord with the islands.
This is the place where
the deep sea is created,
destined as foursquare.
To roll like marble,
crossing the basalt,
Let luck enter your life,
enter like sinuous tigers
allow them to avoid you.
in luck and in love,
you can be avoided
at least till evening.
Unwilling to take the blame
but they're aghast to be seen,
walking the sentient

Foreign Tongues

These are messages
that are superfluous
detailing an illness.
A complete picture,
of the ethos of ardor']
kinship with forests
following directions.
They don't come from giants
they're not plagues of locusts;
they speak of their distraction,
assuming their original poses.
The meanings they carry
is obscured by their noise.
They're best in an argument
that demand quick response
about paltry sums of money.
The morning brings
a much needed