Hard Rain Poetry Series Inspired by Bob Dylan from D.L. Lang

D.L. Lang | Vallejo Poet Laureate (2017-2019)poetryebook@gmail.com <–Best method of contact

For poetry resources visit the Vallejo Poetry Society

D.L. Lang is an internationally published poet, and a former poet laureate of Vallejo, California. Related work appears in Psalms of the Alien Buddha, Vol. 2 (Alien Buddha Press, 2022), Remembering Woody Guthrie (Moonstone Press, 2023), and Poetry Is Dead (Hercules Publishing, 2022) Find her at poetryebook.com


He who was baptized in the spirit of Guthrie,
dared to trek towards his heroes
through the snow and onto Greenwich’s stages,
chaperoned Arlo in a sea of folkies,
hobo’s myth turned on and plugged in,
got the Beatles on the grass,
hip to prophetic whisperings,
static bard recording America’s injustices
translated into poetry written on a mirror,
weaving vocal love with Joan Baez,
found its way into my parent’s vinyl stash,
and into my ears at 13, played on repeat,
the truth like a sunbeam echoing into the ether,
bursting forth and blowing my mind,
folkie poet outlaw on a spiritual quest,
rising up above the rest to yell the truth
beyond the chatter of the mainstream,
your treasures landing in Tulsa
where I gaze at your process,
walking in the footsteps of greatness,
music flowing, exhaling awe and ecstasy.

Hope of All People

Woody. Bob Dylan.
Center of the universe.
Sing out hope for all.

A winner of the 2023 Tulsa Curbside Haiku contest which was
displayed right in front of the Bob Dylan Center, and is archived at the Woody
Guthrie Center.

(It appeared on the news and on the Tulsa Arts website, so
it’s technically been published, but not in any anthologies, journals, or books.)

Welcome, Type HARD!!!

Inspiration floats around
on these sacred grounds
where the biggest dreams are found.

Lose yourself.
Turn around.
Magic lives in every sound.

One city block carrying forth progress
upon melodic wings.
Everybody sing.
Together, we will win.

Originally written on the typewriter at the Bob Dylan


By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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