Poetry Outlaws Showcase from Elizabeth Cusack

I need you
I need you
~ George Harrison and Paul McCartney

You’re Owned

You’re a closed book
I”m dying to hear
Drop me a line
I’m needy
I care.

I Don’t Think Hank Done It This Way, Okay? ~ Waylon Jennings

Real Outlaws

We run banks
Come and get it
Our money’s good
Lawyers love us
And judges too
We burn California
We buy Panama
Your guitar’s paying.

There’s a love I can’t understand
Oh, it’s there for awhile then it fades like a smile
~ Merle Haggard and Bonnie Owens

Fade to Dark

From the start
You let him steal your heart
He loved you just enough
And then he’d walk away
And so you’d fade away
It was too late and too little
But you tried to love him
As you watched him smile
Oh he was a cheater
But you played along
Like a child pretending
Nothing could go wrong
Then one day you knew
Why you handed him your heart
Oh he knew his part
And his timing was perfect
And you could see him
For what he really was
A heartless lover
Who faded in the dark.

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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