A Review of Verde Mar’s book “A Wave Without A Shore” by “Spriha Kant”

The poet begins this book by piercing his heart open to the readers. He shares with his readers the emotional struggle a poet/poetess faces while writing poetries through his beautiful poetic words, sharing his words below:

“The dilemma the poet struggles with is where to draw the line to narrow a write’s focus, limiting its scope and lens so that the reader walks the same plank over the author’s deliberate ocean of thought. Writing poetry like going on a treasure-hunting trip through the windmills of time; there’s no map or key to find or unlock a vintage memory, and the road is unmarked; yet the journey finds its way by way of the words we discover and pick up along the way.”

The poet in his micro piece “The Language of Your Light” further went on to state the poet’s/poetess’s interest in knowing about the image that his/ her poems create in the minds of the readers about a poet/poetess.

The poet has continued his style of expressing deep romantic feelings with brevity through his poetries. Sometimes these feelings sway in love/romance and scintillate like diamonds on a tiara. Sometimes they burn in the memories of a long-gone love and long to get back into that phase like thirsty caravans questing for an oasis in a desert. Sometimes they paint a beautiful picture of two lovers living happily together; the picture being the reflection of dreams. This is the soul of the poet that defines him as a poet, a “romantic poet” would be a precise term though. However, the poet’s shades other than love/romance can also be seen but the quantities of such poems are as visible as microorganisms.

The poet has used simile, personification, and metaphor very brilliantly and beautifully in the poems, shedding a light on a few of them below:

                       “a lonely ocean flash mobs our footprints in the sand”

“We live in timberwolf woods
shores of yesterday recede like a fog lifting
our emotional tide fades to gray”

“My love, our seasons alone distill my words
time has become a mirror of wonders
a palimpsest upon which we relive who we were
eons have held your eyes in mine.”

“Sipping melancholy like leftover light
my glass full from your sad eyes
it’s winter in my mind beneath this page
and poems with your voice
are all that remain.”

This book is an exquisite bundle of poetries even though the vocabulary in many of the poems is familiar to hardly a few logophiles. This book’s flavor is delicious for beautiful poetic minds.

                       Bios (Spriha Kant and Verde Mar):

Spriha Kant:

Spriha Kant is an English poetess & book reviewer. She has been published in 10 anthologies and has reviewed 12 poetry books. She has contributed to the 2023 #1 Amazon bestselling poetry anthology “Hidden in Childhood” and to the anthology “We Are The Waves” which touched #32 spot on Amazon’s top-sellers in 2024. She has been the Guest of honor in the award-winning show “Victoria in Verse” (Bloomsbury Radio, London). Her interviews can be read at feversofthemind.com & and brokenspine.co.uk. Her quotes are published as an epigraph and a blurb in Magkasintahan Volume VI & Swiped Right [Ukiyoto Publishing, Philippines] respectively. Her poetries have been translated into Greek by the well-known Greek poetess “Vasiliki Petroudi.” The Nepalese poetess “Mingmar Sadhna” in a Nepalese quote praised her for her literary achievements as “Hune biruwako chillo paat,” meaning a plant with growth potential has glossy leaves. The Californian poet “Verde Mar” said about her “Spriha Kant has a wondrous force of nature spirit that shines like the north star and her poetry is revered by our fabulous writing community.” Her many poems, book reviews, and artworks are in the pipeline.

Verde Mar:

Verde Mar began writing enigmatic, romantic, melancholic micro-poetry just as the global pandemic began. He was born in Rhode Island just off the Wampanoag Trail by the Narragansett Bay. He earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in New Mexico and began a career in technical writing in the San Francisco Bay Area. He built a home by the ocean just as his family welcomed twins onto our little blue-white box of rain just to keep busy like all writers. An avid vinyl LP audiophile and science fiction reader, Verde also loves to ski and loves to play golf. Verde Mar now lives in the Sonoran Desert in Rancho Mirage, CA.

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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