Republished Poetry: How Love Becomes a Silhouette by Ifeoluwa Ayandele

Sunset, Tree, Water, Silhouette
from Pixabay

How Love Becomes a Silhouette

first published in Rhythm n Bones Lit Issue 6: Love

There is the song I dig deep
to break its lyrics: its rhythm

is in early school assembly
drums & watching happy

children running to school.
& sometimes, like loving

a girl who is water, the song
loses its chord, breaking into

a pond of my own teenage years
& how my first girlfriend slips

from memory becoming a true
fountain, gushing out like a proud

sea, drifting into cadence of candor
& how love becomes a silhouette

of song, or perhaps, a question mark
around my lips, asking rhetoric of yore.

Bio from 2019: Ifeoluwa Ayandele has completed his MA in English (Literature) at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Verse Daily, Rattle, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Little Stone Journal, Pidgeonholes, Peekingcat Poetry, Mojave He [art] Review, Burning House Press, Neologism Poetry Journal, Kin Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria and you can follow him on twitter @IAyandele