Poetry Outlaw Series: Christopher Martin (inspired by Johnny Cash)

Bio:Christopher is a Buddhist poet living by the Mouth of the Tyne on the North East coast of England. 

He is widely published in various publications, both in print and online. His debut collection is due out 2025  @theblackcatpoetrypress.

The Beautiful Figure 

Who is your tailor?
Bespoke threads in twilight black,
midnight blue;
dark double breasted wings,
double vented tail;
like mohair woven on a black warp,
mixed with silk, and cut on the row
of the wind.

As if Coco fashioned Cash into the sharpest
flint, striking a ring of fire,
fanned by a German Jackdaw—
the murder ballad of La Bella Figura
chic to chic across the firmament's fashion show.

And mirroring Mastroianni
in nonchalant sprezzatura
dark shades complete the look,
sheathed in sartorial superiority.

I pay homage to the master
of self satisfied style—
We pale in comparison.

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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