5 poems about Love from Steve Evans

photo from pixabay (Klau2018)

Bio of Steve can be found here: https://www.flinders.edu.au/people/steve.evans

Sending You a River

In the second part of this poem,
I will be played by a different actor
with the wrong accent

so, I’m cancelling the subscription
to my own newsletter
after first writing a letter of complaint,

and if I hear another love song
rhyming start and heart,
I think I’ll rip the singer’s chest apart.

But for now, I’m sending you a river,
one mouthful at a time —
not quite enough to drown in.

And Then

And then he kissed her,
in French
without subtitles.

Her Love Poems for Others

She offers them to me as if to tease,
testing the bounds of my jealousies.
The answer’s clear, and merciless.
I admire their highwire plays and twists, 
their luxurious, earthing lust for place,
but wrench to imagine her this way.
I’m not proud of my brief duplicity in this,
of wishing she’d undo the past.
I also have a history that I put into verse.
We both have loved, and without shame,
knowing that where there’s life, there’s art,
though the heart might come off worse for it.
Still, our love’s own fierce intimacies insist
on writing us in the healing, present tense.


None of the passing faces she watches
is the one she planned to meet —
waiting under the café umbrella, 
her book turned down on the table, 
a cup in the prayer of her hands.


You kiss like dirt
I want between my teeth.

You kiss like the sudden
crack of thunder overhead.

You kiss like a Ducati
revving through its gears.

You kiss like a hive
of angry bees.

You kiss like the hiss
of newly opened champagne.

You kiss like talking
in languages not yet invented.

You kiss like an argument
in a crowded supermarket.

You kiss like the tide
in a great rush.

You kiss like a storm
building on the horizon.

You kiss like a gas cylinder
waiting for a match.

You kiss like fireworks
from another planet.

You kiss like electricity,
like no tomorrow,
like the end
and the beginning
of everything.

You kiss like

Latest creative writing books: 

  • Animal Instincts (Ginninderra Press)
  • Unearthly Pleasures (in case of emergency press)

Easy Money and Other Stories (Truth Serum Press

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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