Poetry, interview, new book info and more from James Schwartz

“Some Are and Most Aren’t and It’s Always Been Like That
(Selected Poems 2004-2024)” by James Schwartz from Alien Buddha Press – available via Amazon:

James Schwartz’s collection of selected poems, “Some Are and Most Aren’t and It’s Always Been Like That,” offers readers a compelling journey through the intersections of identity, society, and personal experience. Spanning two decades of poetic exploration from 2004 to 2024, Schwartz’s work delves into themes of LGBTQ+ identity, cultural heritage, societal norms, and the human condition with a raw and unflinching honesty.
One of the most striking aspects of Schwartz’s poetry is his ability to blend personal narratives with broader social commentary seamlessly. Through his keen observation and introspection, he crafts verses that resonate deeply with readers, inviting them to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.

The collection showcases Schwartz’s versatility as a poet, ranging from poignant reflections on his Amish upbringing to powerful expressions of queer pride and resilience. His use of imagery and metaphor creates vivid landscapes that transport readers to the heart of his experiences, whether he’s navigating the complexities of love and relationships or grappling with societal injustices.

In addition to his thematic depth, Schwartz’s poetic craftsmanship shines through in his attention to language and form. Each poem is meticulously crafted, with every word and line contributing to the overall impact of the piece. From free verse to structured forms, Schwartz demonstrates a mastery of poetic technique that enhances the emotional resonance of his work.



In the heart of sleeping cities and skyscrapers,
Undercurrents of travelers traverse every night.
Through fluorescent fixtures and pan-handlers,
Carrying paperbacks and broken hearts.
4 AM layovers, slumping over luggage,
Folded up amid their maps.
Just passing
Got a dollar?
Got time?
Got a 4 AM story?
No time.
So it goes, my friend.


Low’s International Food serves American, Korean & Thai dishes,
The diner a respite against the humidity…
The colorful stores, cafés & galleries,
Of turquoise, pink, green & blue hue,
Lighting up the lavender dusk,
I order a coffee & loco moco
Reading The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You, Watching night pour
over the bay,
Of the old sugar cane town.


Q: You have the unique distinction of being an American poet with an Amish upbringing. How did your heritage shape your writing?

A: I have to credit my television-free childhood and library card as I have always been an avid reader. The Amish used to speculate on this all the time as I was never far from my books, they thought I might grow up to be a preacher. I did read the Bible but it was my secular reading that captivated my interest. I read anything and everything I could but not much poetry. In my mid 20s I rediscovered poetry and wrote about my secret nights out in gay bars and drag queens. To my credit I understood that there were no other gay Amish men publishing niche poetry.
Twenty years ago I began being published by PFLAG’S Rainbow Gazzette newspaper which all the gay bars and nightclubs carried. By that time I had cut ties with the Amish world and family and discovered writers like Cavafy, Oscar Wilde and Truman Capote.

Q: Your new book collects two decades of poetry. What was the process like in assembling this retrospective?

A: I threw everything I had ever written together and then narrowed it down to my favorite poetry and most popular online. The end result is only a few new poems made the cut, several of my well known poems did not like Last Night A Drag Queen Saved My Life. I also included travel photography and AI illustrations as well, one being a Detroit volcano. Some are very tongue in cheek!

Q: Any other thoughts on this collection?

A: It was a labor of love as all my books and projects are and a trip down memory lane. Rereading old love poems about exes was cathartic and the travel poetry made me nostalgic for my years in Puna!
I have been doing poetry readings in Detroit to promote the book with my friend, Detroit poet @dollartospare and others – there are so many talented artists here. I have several collaborative duet poems in this book with poets Seth Speaks, David L. O’Nan and Joshua Merchant.

Q: What is on your summer reading list?

A: I’m currently immersed in Science of Mind class so daily Ernest Holmes and I read online publications like the New Verse News, Silver Birch Press, Fevers of the Mind, Roi Fainéant and Ice Floe Press, which have all published my work. I’m really grateful for indie and small presses and journals that put out really amazing poetry. We are living in a Golden Age of poetry! I love reading the Beats and modern poets like Alex Dimitrov.

Q: Any other projects you would like to promote?

A: I will have poems in 2 anthologies this summer: They’re Conspiring Against the Alien Buddha Too and Eccentric Orbits 5. I will also be co-hosting the fourth season of Plain Rainbows: LGBTQ Amish and Anabaptist Stories podcast with new episodes in June.


James Schwartz is a Detroit based poet and author of various poetry collections including “The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America” (2011), “Punatic” (2019), “Motor City Mix” (2022) and most recently two novellas “Sunset in Rome” (2022) and “Long Lost Friend” (2023) from Alien Buddha Press.
Literaryparty.blogspot.com @queeraspoetry

By davidlonan1

David writes poetry, short stories, and writings that'll make you think or laugh, provoking you to examine images in your mind. To submit poetry, photography, art, please send to feversofthemind@gmail.com. Twitter: @davidLOnan1 + @feversof Facebook: DavidLONan1

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